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Ethical policy

BKOOL, S.L. is a company committed to regulatory compliance. For this reason, it provides to its employees, customers, suppliers and third parties linked to the organisation a channel to obtain advice, make inquiries or reporting irregularities, in accordance with the obligations established in Law 2/2023, of 20 February, regulating the protection of persons who report breaches of regulations and the fight against corruption.

Communications may be made without the need for identification and may be made anonymously.

BKOOL, S.L. guarantees the strictest confidentiality of all information that may be communicated through the ethical channel.

Remember that the ethical channel has been created to communicate the following matters:

  • Infringements of European Union Law.
  • Actions or omissions that may constitute a serious or very serious criminal or administrative offence, especially those involving financial loss to the Public Treasury and Social Security.

This channel is NOT A CUSTOMER SERVICE. If you wish to report other matters, you can contact us through the Chatbot and Help section of our website.

You can access our Ethical channel and Ethical policy document to obtain more information about its characteristics and use, by clicking on the following links:


Ethical policy

Access to the Ethical channel

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