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New version 7.81 BKOOL Cycling


We’ve launched the new version 7.81 of BKOOL Cycling, which includes both new features and improvements to existing functionalities:

- Friends: You can now send friend requests to other BKOOL users directly from the BKOOL Cycling app. There are two ways to do this:

  • If you know someone who already uses BKOOL for activities and have their email address, you can send them an invitation from the friends panel.

Amigos 1.png

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  • When you finish the session, from the leaderboard displayed during the cooldown, you can send friend requests to the other riders.

save and exit 1.png

The friend request is received in your email, regardless of how this request was sent. Once you receive the email and accept the request, you will be able to access the friends section of bkool.com and see what other friend requests you have pending to accept.

Note: The maximum number of friends you can have on BKOOL is 200.


-Important improvements in communication with ZYCLE, OREKA and BODYTONE devices. Allowing a more real and stable simulation.


-STORE. Navigation during the in-store purchasing process has improved. The option to purchase packs is also included.



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