To create a league you must already have a group. We can create or access the group from Share> Groups.
We fill in the form to create the group and we click on Invite people. You can invite your current friends in BKOOL or those who are not, but you know their email.
Click option Create group.
Once the group has been created, you will be able to edit the group information, as well as customise the group image and invite more participants. To start creating the league, we will click on Manage leagues.
In the New league tab we will give it a name and description and click on Create.
From the Unpublished tab we will add the stages that make up the league by clicking on Add new stage.
The next step is to give the stage a name and description, as well as the period during which it can be carried out.
The different stages that make up the league can have the same completion dates. In this case, the user will decide the order to perform them in, by having them all available from the beginning.
If we want the stages to be carried out in a specific order, we will set the dates so that each stage is available from a specific date. If we want to provide the option for someone to join the league late; they can do so if we set a common end date for all stages.
Note: You must bear in mind that once the league is published, stages cannot be added.
The next step is to set the Validation rules. Through these rules we create criteria by which the attempts will be considered as valid and will go to the stage classification and the general classification of the league.
We must bear in mind that it is possible that not all users have a frequency sensor or cadence sensor, so if we set the value of these fields to "0" they will not be taken into account, so as not to limit participation only to those who have sensors.
After setting the validation criteria for the stage, we must assign the session that will have to be carried out in that stage.
To do so, we will create a Master session by clicking on Create new session.
We will go to the search toolbar where we select the profile to be completed.
The process is the same as when we configure a session, being able to establish splits of Sprint, Mountain or Points of interest, which will also be taken into account to make a classification in each of them, as well as the General Stage classification.
Once the stage is configured, it will appear in the list.
We will repeat the process Add new stage for each of the stages that make up the league.
Once we have all the stages configured, we can publish the league by clicking on Publish, and communicate the existence of the league so that it can be participated in.
The group members will receive an email the day before the start to communicate the date.
Anyone can participate in the league, if it is public, even if it has already started, by joining the Group. Of course, if any stage has concluded its completion date, they will be given the worst time plus a penalty. The same criterion is followed if someone does not complete any of the stages to generate the general classification of the League.
During the League period, we will see different attempts that for some reason have not been validated automatically. These attempts need to be reviewed, and if necessary, validate them by clicking on Approve attempt. If the stage is not completed, which is the most common issue, or we see some reason to reject it, we would click on Reject and delete attempt. If we have any questions, it is possible to contact whoever has done it by email.
There is the option of penalising time or adding time as a bonus the time by adding or removing the relevant second