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BKOOL Spin Studio - User's manual

1. What is BKOOL Spin Studio?

2. Download and installation

3. Logging into Spin Studio

4. Main Screen

5. Pairing device

6. Filtering classes

7. Doing a class

8. Sync with other apps


1. What is BKOOL Spin Studio?

BKOOL Spin Studio is an app for indoor cycling classes where you will find:

  • Variety of classes ->  From the most challenging class to recovery classes (20-45 mins.)
  • Personalised effort -> Thanks to classes divided into zones, train always according to your level.
  • Immersive experience -> The best trainers and attractive on screen information
  • Every class, a challenge -> Reach the maximum score in each one of the classes.
  • Weekly objective -> Pedal hard everyday to fulfill your weekly objective.

 2. Download and install

The app is available for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV, Android TV and Android.

Minimum device requirements at BKOOL Spin Studio


3. Logging into BKOOL Spin Studio

To log into BKOOL Spin Studio you need to have an internet connection and enter your email address and password which you registered with at bkool.com.

If you are not yet registered you can do so on our website, or from the app by filling in the form. To create a Premium account you would need to do so from the web.

Remember to have the Bluetooth or ANT+ of your device connected.

Note: On Android devices we recommended giving the app permission to use your location in order to user Bluetooth.

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4. Main screen

From the main screen you will be able to:

  • View your fitness minutes for this week.
  • Sync with Apple Health, Google Fit or Strava.
  • View the features classes
  • View the suggestions of the day.
  • Access your most recent activity.

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Depending on whether your device is Android or iOS, you will find the following option in the bar at the bottom of the page in iOS, or by clicking on the Menu icon in the top right-hand corner in Android:

  • Home: takes you to the main menu.
  • Classes: you will be able to see the available classes, having the option of sorting or filtering according to your preferences.
  • My activity: here you can view your activity history. If you click on any of your activities you will be able to view the data recorded during the class you have completed. You will have the option to do it again, delete it or share your activity on social networks.
  • Devices: from this section you can activate Bluetooth and pair your trainer or bike with the app.
  • Settings: You will be able to see your profile, request help from the support team, have further app data, view the general conditions...

5. Pairing devices

When opening BKOOL Spin Studio, it will search for nearby devices to pair them, if these devices have already been paired previously.

You can also access it from the Devices option or from the pairing icon before starting the class.



Remember to turn on the devices and pedal a little bit to activate them.


Devices currently compatible with the BKOOL Spin Studio app

  • BKOOL Smart Bike: The perfect combination! The first indoor bike with automatic resistance control. You will train by power.
  • Smart Trainers: The BKOOL Smart trainers and those compatible with ANT+ FE-C offer automatic resistance control. You will train by power.
  • Power meters: The ANT+ and Bluetooth power meters are compatible in manual resistance mode.  You will train by power.
  • Cadence meters: The Cadence meters and other ANT+ or Bluetooth cadence meters are compatible in manual resistance mode.  You will train by cadence.
  • Heart rate monitors: ANT+ or Bluetooth Heart rate monitors are compatible in manual resistance mode.  You will train by heart rate.

Sensors (smart trainers, power meters, etc.) that only have ANT+ are only compatible with BKOOL Spin Studio on Android devices.  To connect to BKOOL Spin Studio in iOS the sensor must have Bluetooth.

The Apple Watch with a minimum watchOS 6.0 version. (From Apple Watch Series 2) is compatible with BKOOL Spin Studio on iOS devices.


6. Filtering classes

By applying the filters, you can select classes which best match what you are looking for. You can also sort them according to your preference.

You can filter by:

  • Duration
  • Difficulty
  • Trainer
  • Language



7. Doing a class

Click on the class you want to do and click on the Play button Let's go!.


Screen of a class


  1. Accumulated calories
  2. Heart rate
  3. Current power (as a % of FTP)
  4. Range of scorable power
  5. Time remaining in current block
  6. Range of scorable cadence
  7. Current cadence
  8. Accumulated points
  9. Accumulated time in class


1. Next zone                                          3. Duration of the next zone
2. Intensity objective                             4. Cadence objective


Deactivating automatic resistance control

If you use a BKOOL Smart Bike the resistance adjusts automatically in each of the segments.

To be able to control the resistance manually click on the screen and it will give you the option to deactivate the Auto mode.

Click on the central part of the screen and you will be able to increase or decrease the resistance by clicking on + or -.


8. Sync with other apps

You can sync your BKOOL Spin Studio activities with Strava and Google Fit/Apple health clicking on Connections.





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