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How is my Premium subscription renewed?

The renewal process is completely automatic.

  • If you accessed a monthly, yearly or Family Premium plan through the 7-day trial: After the trial period, you will receive the first charge of €11.99, €110, or €129. From that moment on, the charges will be recurring monthly or annually..
  • If you accessed a Premium plan through a 3-month coupon: You will receive a monthly charge of €11.99 after the coupon period. From that moment on, the charges will be recurring month to month.
  • If you accessed a Premium plan through an annual subscription: You will receive a new annual charge of €110, with charges recurring year after year.
  • If you accessed a Premium plan through an annual family plan: You will receive a new annual charge corresponding to the family plan of €129, with charges recurring year after year.

If you don't want to renew your subscription, don't worry, you can cancel it at any time.


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