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How leagues work

All users who belong to a group automatically participate in the league that exists in that group.

The leagues are associated with groups and in each group, there can only be one active league. The duration of the league begins on the day of the first stage and ends on the day the last stage. Only group administrators can manage leagues. If you are not an administrator, you can see them and most importantly, participate in them.

Each league consists of different stages, and each stage consists of a session and a period of time in which you can do it, as many times as you like within the time frame.

You will see three tabs when you access a league at Bkool.com:

  • The Current tab shows the league that is currently active.
  • The Scheduled tab shows information about the leagues that have not yet started but have already been programmed by the administrators.
  • The Past tab collects the information of the leagues that have already finished.

All users who belong to a group automatically participate in the league that exists in that group, although if they don't take part in any session of the league they will not appear in the classification. The active session of the stage will appear in the Simulator at all times in the individual session format so you can join it whenever you like, within the deadlines. League sessions are identified by a trophy icon in the upper left corrner.


If a user has their sessions configured as private in the privacy settings, the rest of the users of the league will not be able to see the details of their session, which includes the group administrator. This presents a problem with validation if an attempt isn't validated successfully the administrator cannot manually verify the data or validate the attempt.

Each league has validation rules decided by the administrators of the group when creating it. The purpose of these rules is mainly to avoid cheating. For example, one of the rules is that you cannot change your weight during the league. If you violate any of the validation rules, your attempt is pending review by the group administrators who will decide whether to validate, cancel, reimburse or penalize you with a few extra seconds. You will be told that your session is pending review and the reason. Be patient and give administrators time to review.



You will notice that there is a classification by stage and a general one. If you enter one of the stages you will see the classification of that stage with all the information sorted by user. From left to right they are shown:

  • Position of the previous stage time.
  • The difference between your time and the leader.
  • Total kilometres travelled by the league to which you belong.
  • Number of stages completed.

In the general classification, you can mark a tick to show the final classification. This classification only takes into account the stages that have already been completed, the active one is not taken into account. Therefore, until the end of the first stage, the final classification will be empty.

When there are differences in the number of stages performed, and some participants have performed more than others, the following occurs in the classification: all participants are added by the times of the stages they have completed. If some have not completed a stage, but others have, whether they have already finished or are currently active, they add the time of the worst classified plus 5%. If they subsequently finish the stages that they had missed, their new time will be added.

In both classifications, you can see some tabs called team, sprint, mountain and point of interest. These tabs correspond to classifications that meet the following in each case:

  • The team is a classification by league. The teams, if they exist, are created by the group administrators when creating the league.
  • The other three (sprint, mountain and point of interest) are referred to the different split times. Split times are assigned by the administrators when they create the league. There are three types of Splits: sprint, mountain and point of interest. When you are doing the session you will be shown on the screen the start and end of Split to give you the best chance of posting a good time.

How to leave a league

To stop participating in a league you must leave the group from where the league was created, the stages will gradually expire within BKOOL Cycling. To leave a group, simply enter it and click on the Leave button, below the group information.


How to search for a league

To look for a league you must use the box in the top menu.


The league sessions must be done from the simulated league section. It is important to make sure that you are in the correct session that corresponds to the stage of the league you want to do. If you take part in the wrong session, your time will not appear in the classification.

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