Hi there. How can we help you?


Ghosts are virtual cyclists, who replicate the time of a real user in a given session and take the same nickname.

How to compete against yourself

To be able to compete against the time you achieved previously on the same route, you just need to start a session at Bkool.com > My Activity > History, click on the name of the session you want to repeat, and when the session details appear, click on Copy.




You will see the session in ‘Scheduled’, click on Edit.


On the left hand side, select Show my times and Users: Me, so the time you did for this session will appear. Click on the option shown with your time and it will be added to your programmed session as a Ghost.



How to compete against another cyclist’s Ghost

Select the route you want to do by clicking on the route's name.


Click on Set up and you will see the tab where ghosts can be selected.



In the bar on the left-hand side of the screen you will be able to filter, and even limit the search to friends, by setting the Users field to the option Friends.

Once you have selected the Ghost you want to compete against, the session will be shown in your scheduled sessions. 

In the session, the Ghost will appear in a translucent blue colour.




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  • 0
    eric louw

    Hello, When I program a session with ghosts, in the summary the ghosts are displayed. But when I go to Bkool cycling to do my scheduled session, the session appears fine but without the ghosts and I do my session alone.

    thank you for your reply


  • 0

    Hi Eric,

    If you set up a session from Bkool.com and add ghosts, they will appear in the session. However, there is a bug that causes the ghosts to no longer show up in the simulator if you edit the scheduled session to add more ghosts, change the expiration date, etc.

    Therefore, you should configure the session in a way that it doesn't need to be edited afterwards.  Please try to use the "Set up" option when creating a session at Bkool.com, you will be able to select ghosts, dates, etc. Avoid editing it afterwards. This way Ghosts will appear correctly.

    We apologize for the inconvenience and hope that it can be fixed soon.

  • 0
    Stephen T Chupack

    Glad I found this post - the missing ghosts were driving me crazy!

  • 0
    Melker Ekelund


    Is this issue/bug solved in the latest version of BKOOL?

    Best regards


  • 1

    Hi Melker,
    Yes, this error was corrected.
    Best regards, 

    BKOOL Team

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