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How to generate 3D view

In order to generate the 3D view of an imported route, please follow these steps:

  • Enter Bkool.com>My activity and select the outdoor session you want to get converted to 3D.
  • Once in the session's details, click on its name/title to open the profile GPS data.
  • Click on the Generate route in 3D button, on the top right corner. If the sessions meet our requirements, the 3D view will be generated in a few hours. Please note that it can take some time, our users upload hundreds of routes everyday.


Please note: to get a track converted to 3D, it must contain up to a 20% max slope and have consistent gradients. Otherwise the "Generate route in 3D" button to convert to 3D won't appear at all.

In the last simulator versions, those computers with less than 4Gb RAM or tablets with less than 2Gb RAM will not be able to see the 3D view in sessions longer than to 50Km. You can play them on Video or Map views, but you will need more than 4Gb/2Gb to see the 3D view in those sessions.



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